Hello readers!
Alright, so today I will show you all on how to make the Vodacom k3571/Tigo e-153 or any Huawei and Tigo Tanzania modem to work in Ubuntu, as I have seen many people don't have any idea on how to make these modems work in Ubuntu;
Step 1:Downloading the software needed
Go to "http://www.sakis3g.org/#download" and download the software
32 bit users Download Here:http://www.sakis3g.org/versions/latest/i386/sakis3g.gz
64 bit users Download here:http://www.sakis3g.org/versions/latest/amd64/sakis3g.gz
Step 2:Running the software
After downloading open the file you downloaded, it will open and extract to "sakis3g" as an executable file,open it
Step3:Configuring sakis3g
After it has opened you need to configure it correctly to work, start by clicking -Connect with 3g
-It will prompt you to choose the correct interface choose interface #0
-it will work and ask you other network provider settings,fill in default provider settings if it asks you for APN type "internet" and if it asks for username and password just write as "internet" without the quotes! then it will successfully connect.
NOTE:If interface #0 won't work try Choosing interface#1
I hope you enjoyed my guide.Like this article,Share it with your friends on Facebook and lastly, don't forget to comment if you have any trouble making this work in the comments section below.
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Toa Maoni...